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Zombie CS 1.6 Locked & Archived Zombie Plague (4.3) dm #1

average 4.3 enjoyer

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Dec 12, 2023
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Hello it's been a very long time I really missed this place, wanted to make this suggestion before the christmas;

First of all i have been told by some old mods that dm 1 was closed due to ammopack abuses and i understand the reason why you guys had to close it, i suggested for you guys to separate them before the forum update and i didn't get a respond for that so i wanted to remind it 1 more time so maybe just maybe even if it's just 1% i still wanna try my luck for those old dm 1 enjoyers even tho im not sure if there are any still left around the forum.

1- Add ammopack limit :

by doing this you guy won't have to add extra slots into the server so we won't have to deal with bomb spammers or people with millions of ammopacks which ruins the fun for non-vips and other vips with less ammopack
which are not able to fight back + reset them after you leave the server (not after the map change only when you leave), remove the save system for ammopacks (make the limit around 5k to 10k for vips so they can keep those ammopacks and not more than the limit)

2- Don't allow Lasermine server ammopacks in Dm #1 server, separate them

this is one of those reason that people come and farm ammopacks in dm 1 with bots or with their friends i think we don't have to talk about it cuz u guys already know it

3- Add xp :

I remember Dev also said that ''we will think about it'' he said something similar to that but sadly we were not able to see that change and instead of having 2 same servers and looking at the gamestracker and other zm server lists there are not many 4.3 zombie plague servers with ''xp'' added so xp would make a big difference i think might even bring a lot of players with only that ''xp'' title added. with the /save command they will have 3 options to choose from, 1- save by ip, 2- save by steamID, 3- save by Nick

4- (Wish list) :

-jetpack : im not sure how to balance this but i would add a fuel system like : Green means full, Yellow : about to run out of fuel, Red : out of fuel.
-remove golden ak and keep the golden deagle
-remove extra slots and set the bomb limit at 2 or 3 and the madness limit at 7-10 (7-8 seconds)
-add special skins with special stats, skins for vips, non vips and admins for example : normal deagle deals 50 damage lets say make the special deagle deal 70 damage with the unique skin (will be purchasable with xp only)
-set a map limit for the server like 10-20 and bring other maps like every month and remove the previous maps for a while to keep the server updated
(i also know that lasermine kinda lost its old popularity so i understand you guys very well but bcs there aren't many xp servers left this might work very well)
thank you for your time if you came up this far reading the things up there.

average 4.3 enjoyer

New Member
Dec 12, 2023
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and 1 last thing which none of the mods i talked answered yet : there are like 4-5 empty servers if you guys gonna ignore the changes then at least, just don't allow lasermine ammopacks in dm 1 if that's the only problem

average 4.3 enjoyer

New Member
Dec 12, 2023
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If Lasermine is dead rn it's bcs of vips with insane amounts of ammopacks bombing non vips, not giving them a chance to play as a human