UGC-Gaming.NET - TF2/CS/CSGO Discord
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Recent content by fracture

  1. TF2 Ungagged big stepper - Ban Appeal

    What are you Appealing? Mute/Gag link: What was your in-game name when it happened?: big stepper Time: 2023-11-18 12:12:53 What's the specified reason?: Said "razer viper mini gang" and the autogag gagged me for 2 hours for racism Why should you be...
  2. TF2 Gagged big stepper - Ban Appeal

    What are you Appealing? Mute/Gag link: What was your in-game name when it happened?: big stepper Time: 2023-11-18 12:12:53 What's the specified reason?: Said "razer viper mini" and the autogag gagged me for 2 hours for racism Why should you be...