UGC-Gaming.NET - TF2/CS/CSGO Discord
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Recent content by Netty<3

  1. Netty<3

    TF2 Rejected Staff Application - TF2 Admin - Netty

    Did you read the required post? Yes Age? 17 Position? TF2 Admin link Do you read, write and understand English well? Yes Will you respond to /calladmin requests in discord? Yes Are you familiar with the rules/bantimes? Yes Reason for applying? I...
  2. Netty<3

    Rejected Staff Application - TF2 Admin - Red Shadow

    Hello, Given your Hours on TF2, I'm going to make the assumption that you didn't read the required post. Along with your short and lackluster reasoning for applying, I'm a NO.
  3. Netty<3

    TF2 Rejected Staff Application - TF2 Admin - We live, we love, we lie

    Hello, You have the required hours, but thats about it to be blunt, you have recent bans/mutes with valid reasons for them. Including the application you made seeming to be made for personal gain rather than a dedication to UGC and keeping the servers clean and fun to play on. To add, you...
  4. Netty<3

    Fun ASMR Artists

    this guy, this guy right here is my beloved.
  5. Netty<3

    TF2 Rejected Staff Application - TF2 Admin - kuda

    Hello. You do not have enough hours In-Game and considering you have a recent ban for an NSFW Spray I'm a NO, Read the required post next time.
  6. Netty<3

    Rejected Staff Application - TF2 Admin - Killseaker

    Hello, From what I've seen, you meet the in-game requirements, however you have substantial Idle-Hours and Do not seem to be active in the Discord (or even in it for that matter). Combined with the rather lack-luster application I'm a NO. You seem to have motivation to join the Admin Team, but...
  7. Netty<3

    TF2 Rejected Staff Application - TF2 Admin - Optimus18

    You were given a chance to increase your Activity in the Discord and you failed to do so, I'm a NO.
  8. Netty<3

    Rejected Staff Application - TF2 Admin - friskyfrisk

    Hello. Your In-Game and Discord Activity are very good, but the Idle Hours are a bit of a problem. I'm a NEUTRAL for now. If you could work as to not Idle for long periods of time in-game and Improve your overall application It would help immensely. You are well liked in UGC, and it'd be nice...
  9. Netty<3

    Rejected Staff Application - TF2 Admin - octodude

    No Discord + You don't have the Required amount of In-Game hours, you clearly did not read the required post. I'm a NO.
  10. Netty<3

    TF2 Removed Staff Application - Justin Posti - TF2 Administrator

    I'm a YES, you have amazing Hours in game and in our Discord. You seem to be a good fit for mod on account of your report activity and kindness in the community.
  11. Netty<3

    Fun Random Quotes

    “There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
  12. Netty<3

    What is your dream job?

    Any job involving Cyber Security!
  13. Netty<3

    TF2 Removed Staff Application - Netty<3 - TF2 Administrator

    Did you read the required post? Yes Available Positions TF2 Administrator English Level Very good Your In-Game name ♡ Sleepy ♡ Your Discord username Sleepy info Age 17 Country & Timezone United States of America | CST Have you donated? No Are you...