UGC-Gaming.NET - TF2/CS/CSGO Discord
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Mar 5, 2009
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Each player is assigned a random class and given a random primary, secondary, and melee weapon. When a player is killed, their class and weapon assignments "reroll" to give them another combination (suicide will not trigger a reroll). There is no restriction on assigned weapons other than those that the version of the mod supports. For instance, a Scout could be granted the Minigun as a primary weapon or a Heavy could be granted the Holy Mackerel as a melee weapon.

The majority of class-specific abilities remain intact; for example, the Engineer can still construct buildings, though only Engineers with all-class or Engineer-specific melee weapons may upgrade them (any class may repair buildings with any Engineer weapon). Some versions of Randomizer force Engineers to have one of these. Furthermore, the Spy can still use the Invisibility Watches, although the alternate-fire on several weapons may interfere with this ability, such as the Minigun, the Sniper Rifle, and Stickybomb Launcher.


Public Version​

  • This version is maintained regularly and available to use for server operators on the AlliedMods website.
  • Several custom weapons are included in the pool of weapons. These include Ludmila, The Attack Sentry Gun, the Khopesh Climber, Rebel's Curse, Texas Ten-Shot, Fighter's Falcata, and Army of One (custom Rocket Launcher that behaves like a single-shot nuclear Rocket Launcher). Each of these weapons appear to be Natascha, the Tribalman's Shiv, Golden Wrench, Frontier Justice, Kukri, and Rocket Launcher, respectively. However, a notification appears on spawn or upon touching a Resupply locker, indicating the true name of the weapon. Each of these custom weapons also displays the 'Customized' quality color (which is the same as Vintage, #476291) when inspected, but with no item prefixes (such as "Customized", "Vintage", or even "The").
    • The Texas Ten-Shot, Fighter's Falcata, and Rebel's Curse are weapons thought up by both Trilby and FlaminSarge, and given attributes and coded by FlaminSarge.
    • The Army of One was re-coded for Randomizer by FlaminSarge, but was originally created by YouTube user NinjaxCad.
    • On some servers, certain customized weapons, such as the Khopesh Climber and Rebel's Curse, have custom models.
  • Because most classes cannot properly use certain weapons (such as the lunchbox weapons), Randomizer emulates these effects, such as by stunning a client and adding health to simulate eating a Sandvich.

Custom Weapons

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